Current Challenge

Saturday, February 17, 2018

You're PEARfect!

Attention Kadoodle Bug Fans:

You're PEARfect!!!

We love our Kadoodle Bug Fans.
You are all the best!!

Today I made some shaped cards using the file


  1. Ungroup the pieces
  2. Duplicate the base piece
  3. Move the duplicated piece away from the other pieces
  4. Duplicate it again
  5. Flip that piece
  6. Insert a square that you have turned to a rectangle
  7. With the duplicated pieces, move them a bit apart so when they are folded on to each other, they can do so freely without their sides folding over the other (See the picture of the part circled blue).
  8. Weld the rectangle to the duplicated pieces.
  9. Insert and attach a score line vertically in the center of the newly formed piece.
  10. Fold in half at the scoreline.
  11. Glue pieces to the folded piece.

This can be applied to any file you wish to use.

Have fun crafting!

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